My work is about the idea of professional photographers and not. The idea of showing something that is different and exploring the ideas of how I would show my photography and the different styles that I use the tools of a drone to shoot my work. I would like to show the idea of how my photography would be different in a way and would be changed compared to how other photographers would photograph a place. I feel I would have a change to the work but also have an idea to some that is the same but also that is different.

The idea of photography but also the way that other photographers like to show aerial imagery by id say changing the style of how I would see them. My artwork is by a drone and an aerial view perspective to it. Giving a birds eye view a different perspective to the area of what is going on.

My work is to have a different perspective to work and to focus on the details and not and to have a confusion to it but also being able to understand what it is before hadn’t which also allows people to get to understand what is going on. I want confusion to help them but also make it clear in the end of what they are looking at.

All below photos subject to copyright